Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

In the past few days, I've gotten many awards. More recently, I've gotten the same award from B.A.M. Book Reviews, and from ChicaReader! Thanks so much to both of you!

The Kreativ Blogger award meme works like this: If you accept it, you are supposed to list seven of your favorite things and nominate seven blogs that deserve this award.

7 Favorite Thingies:

1. Books
2. My music
3. Writing
4. The wondrous world of the worldwide web
5. My family
6. The Library
7. SNL (For those of you that don't know, it is my dream-nye, my destiny-to be a writer/actor on SNL.)

Now I have to nominate 7 bloggers:
1. Confessions of a Wandering Heart
2. Reading Rocks
3. T.V. and Book Addict
4. The Book Muncher
5. Bean Bag Books
6. Bookatopia
7. Debbie's World of Books

Thanks again to the bloggers that nominated me!


Your comments feed the greedy comment-addicted blogger inside of me. Thanks for keeping me going.