Saturday, August 22, 2009

Judging A Book By It's Cover, Double Take: Glass Houses

I've heard nothing but good things about this book, and have it on my shelf to be read. Here's the cover:

I don't know why, but there's something about this cover that just puts me off. Maybe it's the stereotypical goth girl, the odd mixture of colors, or the weird font. Here's another cover that I found to compare this too:

I like this one better. The colors go better together, the girl on the cover is less-for lack of a better word-stereotypical, and I like the house more. The font's much better, too. But, I feel like they're so different that only one sticks to the book. So I'll probably have a different opinion after I read the book. What do you think about them, and which do you like more?


  1. I personally like the first cover better, except for the font is better on the second one.

  2. I like the second one better two. It just looks more interesting. If I ignored the title and everything else on the covers, except for the actual picture and had to choose which I would pick. I would end up choosing the second one. It just draws me in more than the first.


  3. I feel ya. The first one turns me off too.

  4. I'm starting this one next week so I wish I knew which one suited the book better. I like them both for different reasons.

  5. I totally agree with you! The cover is probably the reason why I haven't bought this book yet. I like the 2nd cover much more.


  6. The first cover looks moody by kinda cliche -- but I still like it. I do like the second one just as much, if not more, just bc she's a normal looking girl. Why does she have to be punk/goth/whatever you call that to be a vampire? Psh!

  7. That's what I meant by stereotypical; the goth-vampire thing.

  8. And you're totally right about that! I was responding to what you said about it being stereotypical but I didn't mention it, so that didn't really get through. Sorry!

  9. Btw, I just saw your reader's rights and they are funny : )

  10. I like the second cover much better. At first I thought these were different books, I don't think they have anything to do with each other.

  11. I pretty much got that Sarbear, I guess I was just sorta confirming it. No apology necessary. :)


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