Monday, December 28, 2009

Contest Update

So, late last night I got my 250th follower. Wow! Less than a week since I've posted the contest and I've already reached my first goal. So, a new winner will be added, making a total of 4 winners. And of course I need to be adding a new book, so I'm adding my ARC of Hearts At Stake by Alexandra Harvey to the pile. (Click here for a summary.)

So, I guess it's time for a second goal then, isn't it? How about 300 followers. If I get 300 followers before the contest is over (February 14th) then I'll add another book to the stack. (And maybe even another winner. We'll see how things go.)

If you haven't entered my 200 Follower Shin-Dig yet, go here.


  1. Wow! Congrats on an awesome blog with awesome followers.

  2. You'll be at 300 before you know it. My 200 follower contest is still going on and I'm almost reaching 450 followers. So exciting!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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