Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Musings (...Or...Something?)

1. So, I'm not really here. I'm at the BEACH. For a WEEK. I'm not sure if I'm having fun or not, since I scheduled this a day before we left...but I'm pretty sure I am, since I brought 4 books and awesome friends and family.

2. It's Banned Books Week! Woot! I've actually brought Speak with me, so hopefully I'll get the chance to read it.

3. Sooooo....I want Nightshade. I've already read it and all, but, I want to read it again. Or at least have it in my possession so I can read my favorite twists and make-out scenes. And look at THIS:

Any. Time. I. Want.

4. So Twitter people, what do you guys think of new Twitter? I'm still figuring it out, but it doesn't freeze up or have trouble loading pages, so I already love it 100x more.

5. I'm really hoping that Toy Story 3 isn't like I dreamed it was last night.

6. This post is getting kinda painful to read, so I'll end it here.


  1. HI Jessica - I hope you are having fun. I am currently reading Speak and hope to have my review up on Tuesday.

  2. Have fun!! Nightshade looks aaaamazing!

  3. You dreamed of TS3? *giggle*
    *high five*

  4. I am so jealous. I wish I was at the beach. Have fun!


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