Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Book Place That I Love (2)

I love independent bookstores. And this one is one of my favorites. It probably helps that it's the bookstore from the Wolves of Mercy Falls series that Sam Roth works in. (Which I could tell when I first walked into the store. Just sayin'.)

In Fredericksburg, VA

What you see when first walking in.

Here's some of their YA/children's section (downstairs), which I'll go ahead and admit is lacking a bit. But that's not the real reason I go to Riverby Books. Mostly it's just to look at all the old books and listen to their laid back Belle and Sebastian-esque tunes, and breathe in the smell of old books...Yeah, I'm weird.

French books! Old french books!
A giant Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew section! I don't really give a crap about either of those series, but they're old!
And then I went back to the main floor, and then up the stairs.

A railing overlooking the main floor of the store.

If you have a chance, it's definitely worth stopping by. Obviously.

(Their site.)


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