Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Book Blogger and Mail Carrier Relationship

The relationship between a book blogger and the mail carriers are...well, I've made a graph:

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

(FYI, at the moment my mail lady is my ARCH NEMESIS. But my UPS guy's pretty cool.)

Am I the only one? Please tell me I'm not.


  1. LOL! You are not the only one! I have been loving my mail man for the past week because I got a ton of books but the week before I didn't get anything and I was sooo mad at him! =P

  2. Definitely not alone. That chart so totally descibes my relationship with mail carriers. Right now, I'm hating Fedex and UPS. I love my mail man right now though.


  3. You're totally right! I proved this theory right too! I have to go to the PO to get my mail because they don't deliver on my street. My regular mail lady went on vacation for 2 weeks. During this 2 weeks I was expecting several packages. Only got 1, even went in and asked them to look one day because I knew they were supposed to be there, they told me nope.
    They day my regular mail lady comes back, she finds EIGHT packages that they hadn't even bothered to give me! EIGHT packages for a total of ELEVEN books!!! It was like Christmas opening up that many at once

  4. Yep, definitely have this relationship with my mail people! Excellent graph heh~~

  5. hahah I get embarrassed that we see each other so often and my packages are always books. he is pretty cool though!

  6. I LOVE the graph. I was lol-ing.

    I relate to the graph :P and also, just my mail man kind of sucks all around half the time. He either doesn't deliver my packages (without telling me they're still at the Post Office) or stuffs them in my mailbox and smashes them :(

  7. LOL
    So true.
    We book bloggers really get to know our mail carriers.

  8. My mail carrier (Mike) is pretty awesome. He brings books/packages every week and our UPS guys is sweet/cute and brings EPIC/LARGE packages to open which is just exciting, so. But last week our mail carrier fell on some ice and broke his ankle and is now out of commission for awhile. (*wail*) And the new guy SOMETIMES DOESN'T EVEN DELIVER ANY MAIL AT ALL. Even when we DO have mail. He sucks.

  9. Lol. My mail carrier hates me. In fact, Amazon got sent back a package saying it was undeliverable. If it happens again, I'm calling USPS. Seriously.

  10. Love the chart! I'm pretty sure my mail man hates me, as I have to admit, I get a lot of packages sometimes... A couple of months ago, I seriously think he held all my packages for a week, because when I went out to the mailbox one day, it was packed to the rim, and I had to literally rip the things out, and almost tripped and fell into the middle of the road. I was so angry. Moreover, don't even get me started about how USPS always loses some packages of mine... Though, UPS and I adore those people! They know how to deliver mail the right way. lol

  11. I dunno, I have a PO box so I have to walk 4 blocks (in the snow, uphill both ways) to get my mail... I think the mail ladies think I'm insane, though, because I get mail to multiple names. And when they ask me, "Are you..." I just agree XD


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