Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Life According To Books I've Read In '09

I saw this at Sharon Loves Books and Cats and thought it might be fun.

Using only books you have read this year (2009), cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title. It's a lot harder than you think!

Describe Yourself: A Great And Terrible Beauty

How do you feel: Once Dead, Twice Shy

Describe where you currently live: The Hunger Games

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: City of Bones

Your favorite form of transportation: Wings

Your best friend is: Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

You and your friends are: Specials

What's the weather like: The Struggle (Vampire Diaries book 2)

Favorite time of day: Moonlight

What is life to you: Revelations

Your fear: The Devouring

What is the best advice you have to give: Hush, Hush

Thought for the Day: Life As We Knew It

How I would like to die: Demon In My View

My soul's present condition: Eternal


  1. This is sooo cool! I may do it at my blog!!


  2. I love this. They're so fun to read.

  3. This was great! I want to do it too!

    By the way, we gave you a Zombie Chicken Award. Congrats and here's the link

  4. Thanks Alyssa! That's my first Zombie Chicken!

  5. Haha! I'll have to do that.
    P.S. Like the new layout! :D

  6. Thanks Zombie Girrrl. Yes, it was a lot of fun.


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